*Add Primary Keys,
They don't need a relation to them to be one!
*Will need to revise PKs and FKs
How to be able to offer multiple languages?
How to do double-entry
for inventory???
Double Entry Accounting
Add external_id to all tables.
Replace UUID for customer_id with bigserial
This is known as the "Hybrid Approach"
*Reminders need to use TIMESTAMP
They are in "local time". No sense utilizing TIMESTAMPZ.
*Scheduling stuff would be in TIMESTAMP as well
They are in "local time". No sense utilizing TIMESTAMPZ.
**Pricelist Sending TIMESTAMPZ
They traverse multiple times.
**Sending emails in the web app use TIMESTAMP
Local time is what is needed
Pricelist Portion
Add: ^^^^^
user_id for any table; and for any table that has "last_modified" & "created_at" in it. This is used to track changes made by users and any potential for users to "self sabotage a company" and who maybe did an order.